Think about the vehicles that catch your eye while driving down the road. Of course, you usually don’t gravitate towards the dull, paint-chipped cars with caked-on dirt and grime! The vehicles with shine initially spark your interest, and when you get a better look, you see a beautifully maintained vehicle with a glossy finish. Believe it or not, most vehicles have the potential to have that eye-catching shine!


In many cases, those extra shiny cars are well-maintained and have a ceramic coat on the exterior, creating that smooth and glossy look. This special coating is more than just a fancy wax and adds an extra layer of protection from the normal wear and tear that comes from driving a vehicle. This process has many benefits, and we’ve broken it down for you! Explore how ceramic coating can turn your vehicle into a showstopper.


The Basics of Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coating is a detailing process where professionals use a specialized coating that adheres to the paint and provides an extra layer of protection. The coat is a silica-based liquid polymer applied by the hands of detailing professionals and forms a hardened protective layer when it cures. This type of finish becomes even more appealing because ceramic coating can last several years with proper care and maintenance. 


The Difference from Other Paint-Protection Products

Why would someone choose ceramic coating over waxes and sealants? Let’s explore the pluses and minuses of each.


  • Wax: This is the most affordable option, making it a popular choice for the mainstream population. While it does help keep the exterior shiny and polished, wax offers limited protection. Wax comes in various forms, from a more vintage paste version to a modern spray, but its organic nature breaks down quickly and requires a new application multiple times a year. 


  • Sealants: This type of exterior treatment differs from wax because it’s a synthetic material designed to last several months as opposed to organic wax, which breaks down and wears off more easily. Still an affordable option, the application is an easy process and does a better job protecting your vehicle from the elements than wax; however, it does not deliver the same shine that wax offers. 


Benefits of Ceramic Coating

Besides the incredible shine and protective finish, applying ceramic coating to your vehicle also offers additional benefits. 

Easier to Wash

The invisible hard shell, present on the exterior of your vehicle after the ceramic coating has cured, creates a hydrophobic layer that repels water and doesn’t allow other dirt and mineral deposits to damage the paint. This shell prevents other environmental grime like bird droppings, salt, and mud from reaching and attaching to the paint layer and will slide off much better during a wash


Boosts Curb Appeal

The Jazz Carwash and Detailing professionals know how to make your vehicle truly shine! The process of ceramic coating can be involved, but the benefits are numerous. The finished product promises to deliver another dimension of depth and gloss that will make heads turn. 


Longer Clean

Just like the hydrophobic surface makes it easier to clean your vehicle, it also keeps it clean for much longer, reducing the amount of road grime and water spots stuck on the exterior. Especially for car owners living in rainy, snowy, or humid climates, a longer clean means you can spend less time washing your vehicle and allows you to enjoy a spot-free car, regardless of the weather. 


Extended Protection

The protection of ceramic coating outweighs that of wax or other sealants. With only one application, ceramic coating can protect your vehicle’s exterior for up to four years. This is one of the main reasons car owners choose ceramic coating for their vehicles. 


Shields from UV Damage

Similar to sunscreen for vehicles, ceramic coating provides a shield from harmful UV rays. If your vehicle is left unprotected, these rays will damage the exterior paint over time, causing an unattractive and uneven look to your vehicle’s aesthetic. You can prevent fading and weather damaged paint with the UV-resistant nature of ceramic coatings.


Interested in Ceramic Coating? Here’s What to Know

The benefits of ceramic coating speak for themselves, and there is no doubt this service will extend the life of your vehicle’s exterior. That said, ceramic coating isn’t for everybody, and there are a few things to know before booking your car for this treatment. 


Once the ceramic coating is applied, just a little TLC will keep the coating in the best shape possible. It’s recommended to run your vehicle through professional car washes.  There’s also a special boost spray that you can quickly apply at home. Other than that, it’s maintenance-free!


Since the ceramic coating process is highly involved, an experienced professional should perform the service. The ceramic coating bonds with the exterior paint and will reflect any imperfections. Therefore, the paint should be polished and perfected before application begins. Any swirls, scratches, or discoloration need to be tackled before application; if not, those imperfections will show through and be magnified by the gloss. 


If mistakes occur during the coating process, it’s not easy to wipe them off and fix them. Just a small mistake can result in the need for wet sanding or polishing and coat reapplication. Because of this detailed work and thorough process, the costs associated with ceramic coating are higher than wax or other sealants. However, this service is an investment in the overall life of your vehicle’s exterior and can prevent paint damage, potentially saving you money in the long run.


Unrealistic Expectations

Although the protection power of ceramic coating is unrivaled by waxes and other sealants, it doesn’t mean it’s bulletproof. If you’re considering purchasing ceramic coating for your vehicle, remember that scratches, chips, and dents can still happen. 


When it comes down to it, the benefits of professional ceramic coating give you a lot of bang for your buck. From improved exterior durability to protection against damage and oxidation from UV rays, this coating offers exterior resilience with easy maintenance. Give yourself some additional peace of mind, and let Jazz Carwash and Detailing give your vehicle that noticeable shine.